Fall/Winter hours in effect 10-4:30pm Tuesday-Saturday
Donations: No item is approved over the phone.
Final approval is only after we visually inspect it and have room.
See our donation page for more info
Donations are accepted:
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 10am-3pm
We are closed:
July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving day and the day after Thanksgiving.
Closed December 24th through January 1st
Closed when the temperature is 32 degrees or below, excessive wind or extreme heat.
During those times call to confirm we are open

Phone: (360) 683-7862
email: info@aroundagainstore.org
Your re-purpose, recycle, up-cycle, non-profit store
Pricing at Around Again
This is your store. Our mission is to keep stuff out of the landfill. If I could find a way to give it all away and keep the doors open I would, trust me. Money is not my motivation for this enterprise. If you wonder over to our "about" page you will see our tax filings, no one is getting rich here.
All that said, I wanted to share our pricing and return policy.
Thank you for all the support over these many years.
Pricing policy
A hot topic for everyone.
I have gotten lots of feedback over our 15 years.
I am so appreciative about the good straightforward conversations with folks. It has given me more understanding and a path forward.
Yes! prices were lower when we opened 14 years ago. As a business owner for the first years it is common to carry the business with your own money through the hard times. For the first years that is what I did, dipping into savings to pay for salaries and fixed costs.
At some point Around Again had to stand on its own financially.
So finally as a result of your feedback we started putting pricing stickers on items, a monumental task if ever there was one. During that time we did not raise any prices. After some trial and error and correcting we came up with a formula for survival.
So after 11 years we had our first and ONLY price adjustment. Generally, we price items at 33% of retail (67% off if you like). That is what we need to do to keep the place going. This pricing has a lot of input that needs attention. Finding a price for the vast array of stuff we have is time consuming and can be frustrating but we give it our best attempt.

Price Adjusting
If its brand new in the box the price is bit higher.
If the item is damaged or in rough shape we lower the price.​
In all but a few items, if its been there for over a month we can start adjusting the price down and consider offers.
Sometimes we get the price wrong. We encourage customers to look the item up for us see if we need to lower it. Please be patient with us through the process.
We offer a 30 day return on anything you buy at Around Again. We want people to feel comfortable when buying used stuff. Please have your receipt with you.